On Friday (1/2/2008), I had my second class on workshop… Proudly to say Wong (my partner) and I had finish the 1st project. We had to punch our number on the metal work. I punched mine but it didn’t look nice so Wong offered his help. At least, his was better than mine. We just need to punch the last three digits of our matrix number.
the final look of my project
After the workshop, we had our entrepreneurship group meeting. We discussed on what we are going to sell and all the details. We engineers also need to know about business… hahaha… After that, Azrin and I went to discuss with Ms. Salina. She is our supervisor. She was very helpful with all the sources. She also suggested things we can improved on. We planned to sell drinks (canned drinks and box drinks). After discussing, I headed back to my hostel to rest as I need to fetch Suk Qian. She told me that the ferry she took will depart on 12.00 pm. Then, she guessed she will reach KK (Kota Kinabalu) at 3 something. Therefore, I went and wait at 3.00 pm. I waited till 4 something, and then only she reached. One hour plus doing nothing, it’s very bored. When she arrived with her friends, we then went to buy food for steamboat later. I planned to make tom yam steamboat. Ee che will be borrowing me her rice cooker ma, therefore I can cook lo. Although I got helped from my friends, but still I’m the MAIN cook… hehehe… but actually hor, steamboat is very easy to prepare.
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